When I'm photographing people and events, I kind of get into this weird photographer zone. When I first arrive, I will walk through an event or a location, trying to scope out the best background, the best light, where the action is happening, good spots for overalls, mediums and close-ups. I'm kind of like the vulture hovering around waiting to jump on the best possibility for a good shot and moment. It's a strange feeling, I'm there right in the middle of the action, surrounded by people and things going on, yet I'm in this zone of observation, not really paying attention to one particular moment but a culmulation of several ones happening at the same time. I don't really let one scene sink into my consciousness because i'm looking to the left, to the right, behind me - all trying to find the best angle that can illustrate the moment clearly, the lens becomes my filter to the action. My eyes see one thing, but my brain is busy concentrating on all these other thoughts - it is an oddly numbing, out-of-body, type of experience.
Recently I photographed some friends reading at The Greenhouse Cafe in West Portal. They're in black and white because those warm glowing halogen lamps created awful color casts when translated to a digital camera.




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