I just bought a new toy to play with; my new foldable lightstand with umbrella mount. I think it was my last assignment in which I photographed a 16-year-old filmmaker using 2 lights which had to be held up by boxes and the filmaker's dad that finally pushed me to just go out and get a stand already. I will post the filmmaker photos soon...they turned out really cool I think. So, with my newfound freedom with being to able to shoot with 2 lights, I feel my creativity is just getting started. When I got assigned my latest Food&Drink assignment which was just asking for photos of apples, I thought I'd try out my luck and really take advantage of my flashes. For the shot above, I actually used 3 lights. I cross-lit a row of apples from the sides and used my master flash to fill in the direct highlights. I used CTO gells to give it more of that "autumn" glow. I've also included my set-up shots and technical info in case anyone is interested in how I shot this. Disregard my ghetto studio which is actually a desk in the newsroom that is always overflowing with newspapers and books.
Technical Info: camera:Canon 20d using lens @20 mm, Iso 100, f5 @1/250. strobes: Left Canon 550ex, snooted and gelled with full CTO@ 1/64 power right Canon 430, snooted and gelled with full CTO@1/64 power Master strobe on camera, Canon 550ex @1/128 power
this one is my favorite, I'm glad I decided to spritz on some water to really give it more texture and eye appeal.
technical info: camera: lens @35mm zoom, Iso 100, f4 @1/250 strobes: left 550ex snooted and gelled with full CTO @1/64 power right 430ex snooted and gelled with full CTO @1/64 power
Whoa, it's been forever since I posted on here. I don't really know why it has taken me 5 months to finally post something new. I figure indifference, laziness, and self-doubt are the main reasons to blame. But that's changing. I'm trying to push myself into new directions of photography...getting better moments, becoming more patient with assignments and seeking out better composition, and seeing objects in a different light. So, in between my assignments I've started looking out for interesting lines, shapes and shadows found in stationary objects. This is all personal work I'm just doing for fun and posting on here. I don't know what it is about lines and symmetry but I seem to be gravitating towards it with my lens sometimes.