I just bought a new toy to play with; my new foldable lightstand with umbrella mount. I think it was my last assignment in which I photographed a 16-year-old filmmaker using 2 lights which had to be held up by boxes and the filmaker's dad that finally pushed me to just go out and get a stand already. I will post the filmmaker photos soon...they turned out really cool I think. So, with my newfound freedom with being to able to shoot with 2 lights, I feel my creativity is just getting started. When I got assigned my latest Food&Drink assignment which was just asking for photos of apples, I thought I'd try out my luck and really take advantage of my flashes. For the shot above, I actually used 3 lights. I cross-lit a row of apples from the sides and used my master flash to fill in the direct highlights. I used CTO gells to give it more of that "autumn" glow. I've also included my set-up shots and technical info in case anyone is interested in how I shot this. Disregard my ghetto studio which is actually a desk in the newsroom that is always overflowing with newspapers and books.
Technical Info: camera:Canon 20d using lens @20 mm, Iso 100, f5 @1/250. strobes: Left Canon 550ex, snooted and gelled with full CTO@ 1/64 power
right Canon 430, snooted and gelled with full CTO@1/64 powerMaster strobe on camera, Canon 550ex @1/128 power
this one is my favorite, I'm glad I decided to spritz on some water to really give it more texture and eye appeal.
technical info:camera: lens @35mm zoom, Iso 100, f4 @1/250strobes: left 550ex snooted and gelled with full CTO @1/64 powerright 430ex snooted and gelled with full CTO @1/64 power
1 comment:
just wanted to correct a caption. Its Sophie and the Enchanted Toy Shop, not toy chest.
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