This was shot for the new monthly section being featured in our paper concerning stories centered solely on the environment and "being green". This woman (on the left) is completely rebuilding her house with all green features and recycled items. The wood from the old house was salvaged. The windows, cabinets, and bathtub will be reused in the new house. The house was built around existing trees. There will be solar panels. The furnace is 98% efficient. The wood is FSC certified (comes from managed forests, not rainforests) Even the countertops will be made of recycled glass.

This was shot to illustrate a story about "Nature Deficit Disorder" and why some kids of the current generation aren't getting outside in the woods anymore. I shot these kids playing in the creek which runs right behind their home.

Spanish Day. Remember those styrofoam Mission projects you had to do in fourth grade? Well this was that taken one step further. In an effort to get the kids excited about their projects, the local elementary school had them dress up either as Native Americans, Spaniard Settlers/Priests, or "Explorers" and present their projects to fellow students and their parents. I'm still wondering why I saw a bunch of cowboys and pirates though. Maybe they should read up on their history a little more :)

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