I knew today was going to be miserable. I was asleep last nite all snuggled up underneath the covers when I heard the rain and wind suddenley slam against my bedroom window as the storm of the century was just getting started. The wind was so strong it even kept shaking the whole house. So I knew today would be no picnic because my editors had told me that I was getting assigned to storm coverage which meant that I would be stuck in this horrible storm trying best to keep myself and camera dry. So, I bundled up in snowboarding jacket, beanie, scarf, galoshes and umbrella armed for whatever the elements would throw at me. When I got to the office no one really had any specific places they wanted me to cover, so I ventured out on my own looking for cool rain photos. Let me tell you storm coverage is miserable. Looking for good wild art photos is hard enough, now add in howling winds, fierce rain, and extremely dangerous driving conditions and you'll just get a taste of what it's like. Plus all the editors really are looking for are informational photos of flooded areas, so creativity is not so much of an option there. In all I spent about five hours today in the rain, scrambling to get decent photos. Not fun at all but luckily while I was on my way to get another info photo I saw these cute cows grazing by the side of the road.

I've never seen cows like this before, they are striped in black and white -like pigs, and have very shaggy hair. I thought cows are usually solid colors or spotted. My coworker calls them oreo cows. Was trudging through the storm for five hours worth it? I'm still deciding.
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